Semi collides with school bus on US 10-31.

May 12, 2016

Story updated at 6:48 p.m.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

AMBER TOWNSHIP — A semi failing to stop at the traffic light collided with a school bus Thursday afternoon at the intersection of US 10-31 and Stiles Road. The crash occurred just before 4 p.m. Mason County Sheriff Sgt. Adam Lamb said a westbound semi went through the red light and crashed into Mason County Central school bus 29, which was south on Stiles Road, turning east onto US 10-31.

Lamb said non of the children, nor the driver of the bus or semi truck were injured in the crash. One female child was later transported to Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital and treated for a minor head injury, and then released, Lamb said. 

“I am thankful that nobody was injured,” said MCC Superintendent Jeff Mount. “Buses are a safe way to travel but there are going to be accidents from time to time. We will review what happened here and try to figure out if there are any measures we need to take in the future.”

Lamb said witnesses said the bus was completely stopped at the intersection prior to the Stiles Road light turning red. Witnesses also said the US 10-31 traffic light had been red for several seconds as the semi traveled through the intersection, Lamb said. The driver of the semi truck was issued a citation for failure to stop at a traffic light. Sgt. Lamb said if the crash had caused serious injury, the punishment could have been much worse.

Mount said the bus only had four children on it when the crash occurred. The school was calling the parents but brought another bus to bring the kids home.

Responding to the scene were Mason County Sheriff’s Office, Scottville Police Department, Michigan State Police, Scottville Fire Department and Life EMS ambulance. 

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