Scottville commissioner Bonnie Pfefferle passes away.

March 25, 2015

10922474_10204237460554581_7510543585815385154_nSCOTTVILLE — Scottville City Commissioner Bonnie Pfefferle, 58, passed away Tuesday, March 24, after a long fight with cancer.

Pfefferle was a strong supporter of Scottville and a fan of Notre Dame University.

“She is irreplaceable,” City Manager Amy Williams said. “Bonnie was the type of person who would volunteer no matter what. When she got cancer, six or seven years ago, she was told she only had a few months to live. She vowed to fight it and she did. She never let that hold her down. I just can’t speak highly enough of her.

Oak Grove Funeral Home and Cremation Center is overseeing arrangements.

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